Relief From Back Pain

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Health

Of the estimated 20 million people that visit a chiropractor every year, about 35 percent do so because of back pain. There are numerous causes of back pain, these include work and sports related injuries, muscle strain and excessive weight. Patients also visit an Aurora chiropractor for neck pain, headaches and relief from pain or numbness in the extremities.

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractors adhere to the theory that proper alignment of the body, the spine in particular, enables one to self-heal without the need for surgical intervention of medication. To align the body, chiropractors use hands on manipulation along with other tools and treatments.

Chiropractic is most often used to relieve back pain as well as pain in the muscles, joints, tendons and other connective tissue.

What does the chiropractor do for back pain?

After spending some time with the patient, getting a full medical history, the Aurora chiropractor will perform an in-depth physical exam. During this examination, the chiropractor may use X-Rays and various lab tests to help him or her define the course of treatment.

The treatment plan will invariably include adjustments of joints, this is accomplished through well defined, controlled forces; the result is greatly improved motion and a reduction in pain. The goal of chiropractic is to restore function and prevent injury.

The benefits of chiropractic:

Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for lower back pain, the type of pain one might experience when lifting a heavy load improperly or getting knocked over in a contact sport. Chiropractic is equally helpful in treating neck pain and constant headaches.

Chiropractors treat people of all ages. Patients seek chiropractic treatment as a result of injury, aging, the repetitive use of certain muscle groups and spinal misalignment. Chiropractic care enhances the human body to better deal with injury and maintain good health and wellness.

If you are suffering from chronic back pain, relief is as close as your Aurora chiropractor. You are invited to contact Tilson Chiropractic FamilyCare where your wellness is our priority. Like them on Facebook

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