The Right Workout Clothes Matter: 4 Things to Look for

by | Jan 28, 2016 | Shopping

It’s more than getting workout clothes that fit. And choosing the right workout shirt isn’t just about picking one in your favorite color to make sure it matches with your pants and shoes, either. Not quite sure what to look for in your workout clothes besides that? Then here are a few things from Health and Style on what you need to look into when you start shopping for workout clothes.

Consider the Activity.
Crossfit is notorious for putting you through a lot of exercises. That means you should wear something with a tight but comfortable fit. That way, even when you’re going through the motions of the exercise, you won’t have to keep adjusting your shirt because it’s too tight or too restrictive for the activity. After all, the moment you stop to adjust your shirt is a moment you lose from the exercise. This kind of distracted focus isn’t the best mindset to have when you’re exercising. So make sure you pick clothes to match the activity.

Insist on Comfort.
With the right crossfit shirt, you can enjoy your crossfit exercises without wasting a second on your shirt. Crossfit shirts for women should be that comfortable. You won’t have to keep adjusting the width or neckline or tugging at the fabric to smooth it down over your stomach. Just put it on and you’re good to go. Once you start on your exercises, you shouldn’t have to worry about the fit or how tight it is. You shouldn’t be adjusting your clothes every 5 minutes. If you find yourself doing this, it’s a sign that you need a new set of workout clothes that are more comfortable.

Look to Good Materials.
Choose crossfit shirts that are breathable. Some clothes soak up too much sweat, becoming heavy and clingy. If your gym clothes happen to be like that, you might want to consider getting clothes that are good wickers. That way, you can sweat through your exercises in comfort.

Get the Right Support.
Crossfit shirts also provide you with a good support throughout the exercise. This is crucial, especially since that support helps ensure your safety throughout the exercise.

So if you’re thinking about heading over to the gym, make sure you’ve got the proper gear with you. With crossfit shirts specifically designed for the activity, you’ll be able to make the most out of your exercise and time.

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