3 Benefits of Getting New Trane Air Conditioning in Palatine This Year

by | Apr 12, 2022 | Air Conditioning & Heating

Proper air conditioning in a home is not just a luxury, it is essential for the health and safety of all people and pets living inside. A proper and professional installation ensures that your unit will be efficient and long-lasting for years to come. If you’re considering professional service, here are three benefits of getting new Trane air conditioning in Palatine this year.

1. Improved Air Quality

An old and worn air conditioner has been circulating indoor air for years. This can do more harm than you think. The older a unit gets, the less efficient it becomes, especially if it hasn’t been properly maintained or looked after for years. Mold, pollen, and other contaminants can clog the filter of the system and contaminate the air in your home. Your best bet is to invest in a new unit that will provide you and others in the home with better air quality.

2. Comfort and Reliability

Aged air conditioning systems will fail to keep the home comfortable. Various parts will struggle to keep up with the demands of the environment, which could eventually lead to higher bills and inconsistencies in the temperature inside. A new and modern system will most likely have an automatic thermostat, fan adjustment, and more.

3. Lower Energy Consumption

An old and outdated unit will increase energy costs due to its inability to keep up with modern demands and needs. A failing unit is going to draw more power while still continuing to give subpar results. Newer models meet Energy Star standards and can provide many advantages to you, such as lower energy bills, a lower climate impact, and higher energy efficiency.

For more information on Trane air conditioning in Palatine, contact Five Star Heating & Air Conditioning today.

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