3 Things a Child Support Lawyer Can Do for Your Case

by | Apr 7, 2020 | Attorney

Child support is the financial obligation parents have to support their children and cover basic expenses until the children mature. If you are dealing with issues regarding this subject, you’ll need to hire a child support lawyer for the following scenarios:

Dealing with a Deadbeat Parent

If you’re the custodial parent and your former spouse isn’t sending child support, hiring a child support lawyer in Paulding County to help you file a request for a child support order is a great first step. With the appropriate lawyer by your side, you can look forward to getting the child support your children need, and to which they are wholly entitled.

Enforcing the Order

While some former spouses do send child support, they don’t send enough to cover the child’s basic expenses. A child support lawyer in Paulding County can help you enforce the child support order, which addresses how much child support your children should be receiving. This can be done, for example, through wage deductions. Discuss possible options with your lawyer so you have a clearer understanding of what you should do next.


In extreme cases where the non-custodial parent owes more than 5000 dollars; travels to another state to avoid paying child support; or has failed to send those payments for more than 1 year, your lawyer can help you get assistance from the U.S. Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

Finding a Lawyer

Credentials, qualifications, and experience are all a must. However, determination and perseverance matter, too. Look for a lawyer who has the time and dedication to devote to your case. Is your lawyer easy to talk to? Are you comfortable and at ease? Fighting a custody battle can be a long, drawn out legal process. It helps to know you have an aggressive, dedicated, and competent lawyer by your side. Contact Business Name for more information.

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