Engine trouble can be frightening for any driver, especially when they have no idea why the car is overheating. Shops specializing in Auto Repair in Poulsbo WA understand these fears, and the tips below can assuage them somewhat. Below are several common reasons for engine overheating.
A Failed Water Pump
The engine’s water pump is the heart of its cooling system. It continuously circulates water throughout the system, affecting coolant flow rate. The service engine light will illuminate if the pump isn’t working correctly; if there’s leakage under the car, the water pump has likely failed and repairs are required.
A Faulty Thermostat
The thermostat measures engine temperature and sends a signal to the cooling system when the engine becomes too hot. A working thermostat is a crucial component in engine temperature regulation, and a illuminated service engine light can indicate a thermostat issue. Ignoring a failed thermostat can cause serious issues such as boiling coolant, blown gaskets and damaged cylinder heads. It’s less expensive to replace a thermostat than an engine, after all.
Low, Leaking or Contaminated Coolant
Just as the engine needs good oil, it needs coolant that’s in good condition. When there’s an interlan coolant leak, it’s typically caused by a cracked cylinder head. Repairs can become expensive, and drivers should call on a professional for Auto Repair in Poulsbo WA.
A Dirty Air Filter
Auto air filters are similar to those in home HVAC units, meaning that they require frequent replacement for proper system function. When the filter is dirty, the AC can’t pull air through as quickly. If the engine tends to overheat, it may be wise to examine the air filter and replace it if necessary.
Broken or Loose Belts
The belt turns the water pump at the proper speed to maintain coolant flow throughout the system. If the belt is broken or loose, the system cannot remain at the correct, consistent speed. A fluctuating belt speed can cause poor coolant flow and eventual overheating.
These are just some of the reasons auto engines overheat. If the temperature gauge lights up and a driver doesn’t know what to do, they shouldn’t panic. A local auto repair shop can diagnose the problem and recommend cost-effective solutions.