Seeing Your Local Dental Honolulu for Endodontic Reasons

by | Oct 14, 2014 | Dental Health

Poor-quality root canal treatment leads to inflammatory diseases and tooth loss. Practice shows that 75% of cases of tooth loss after treatment are associated with incomplete or no excessive treatment channels. The criterion for assessing the quality of dental treatment is not only through aesthetics (the artistic restoration of the tooth, tooth replacement, etc.), but also via the right treatment. Therefore, because of the special importance of this area, your local Dental Honolulu may decide to perform endodontics.

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deal with the anatomy, pathology and treatment of tooth cavities and root canals. In a conventional and a broader sense, it should be understood that endodontics deals with in the internal area of the teeth in order to maintain and prepare for subsequent recovery of the teeth. Over the last decade, with the introduction of new technologies in endodontics, there have been qualitative changes. Digital radiography, the introduction of nickel-titanium rotary instruments, the use of biocompatible sealants, etc., all have significantly improved the quality and reliability of endodontic treatment.

A tooth can have different shapes, while the upper part takes the form of a crown, the end of the tooth extends as a channel. The tooth cavity is filled with connective tissue and the pulp of the tooth is divided into coronal and root pulp. A root canal involves completely filling the cavity of the tooth pulp. Your local Dental Honolulu can do this in a single visit and there is usually no pain involved.

The pulp is loose connective tissue permeated by a network of collagen fibers with a large number of cellular elements. It has a dense structure with collagen fibers in it which are oriented along the neurovascular bundle. In the dental pulp contains a large number of blood vessels and nerve fibers, so it is a highly sensitive (pulp sensory function). The lymphatic part of the pulp is very ample, meaning lymph flows away from the slurry in submandibular lymph glands and chin. Click here for more details.

The pulp has a number of important functions, one of which is the formation of the dentin of the tooth. This feature is particularly evident during tooth formation, and then continues in the course of its eruption. In addition, the pulp is involved in the nutrition of dentin and enamel. Pulp cells also regulate the protective barrier function of the dentin.

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