Most people think that brushing their teeth is the most important part of an oral hygiene regimen. If a person’s teeth are bright and clean, why deal with the gums? First and foremost, brushing your teeth and then treating the gums with extra care is the wrong way to care for any mouth.
Like the teeth, the gums must be thoroughly cleaned and massaged. Only then can a complete removal of plaque prevent problems with the gums. The right rule for brushing your teeth is to brush “from red to white” – moving the brush from the gum line to the teeth. If a person has any doubt about their brushing technique, they should schedule a visit to see a Dentist in Tacoma WA.
A hard toothbrush hardens the gums
Years ago, the rule was that a particularly hard toothbrush was the best thing for the gums. Since then, this belief has been refuted. The correct type of brush depends on the person, but most dentists say that a medium-hard to soft toothbrush is perfect for dental care.
A toothbrush that is too hard, often combined with intense scrubbing, can cause injury to the gums. For the most part, anyone who brushes too hard or uses a hard-bristle brush could end up with periodontal disease.
Cleaning and caring for baby teeth is not so important
If a child’s milk teeth are decaying, it’s not so bad, right? They will be replaced anyway by their permanent teeth. These are just some of the misconceptions that parents have.
The fact is that decaying bacteria can cause damage via the gums, even if the child has no teeth! This is why your Dentist in Tacoma WA will suggest cleaning the baby’s gums with a wet washcloth after feeding. Furthermore, bacteria that affects baby teeth can also damage any existing and future permanent teeth.
In addition to the chain reaction that results from the transmission of tooth decay from the deciduous teeth to the permanent teeth, parents must also realize that deciduous teeth are the placeholders for the child’s permanent teeth. A straight and well-designed smile relies on the deciduous teeth staying in place for as long as possible.