If you run a business that deals with hazardous wastes; in any capacity-; it is important that you comply with the regulations that have been outlined by the government. These guidelines dictate the requirements for generating, storing, treating and even disposing of this waste. If your business is not in compliance, the fines can reach tens of thousands of dollars per day for each violation.
This is why it is so important to invest in Hazardous Waste Operations Training for any and all workers who deal with this type of waste. Some of the most common questions and answers regarding hazardous waste handling are highlighted here.
Who Needs to Receive Training?
Anyone in your facility who comes in contact with hazardous waste needs to be trained properly to move or dispose of it correctly and safely. Also, anyone who will be in the same vicinity of these materials should be properly trained.
How Long do Training Courses Last?
When it comes to Hazardous Waste Operations Training, the amount of time that a person needs to go through training will vary. This is based on the type of waste you deal with and how much is present. There are some courses that can be completed on-site, while others will be completed at an outside facility.
What are the Consequences for Bypassing Training?
There are fees for all types of violations and the amount of the fee you receive is based on the kind of the breach. The EPA can impose both criminal and civil penalties for a site, with the total penalties based on the intent. The civil penalties are usually for stupid mistakes, such as not providing the proper type of training. While these are not as large, they can reach as much as $30,000 or more per violation, per day.
Handling hazardous waste is something that a number of businesses must deal with. Ensuring that you and your employees are properly trained, as well as anyone else who is in the vicinity of the material, will help to prevent significant fines and other issues. There are a number of training programs available and investing in one will ensure you do not have to pay these rather high penalties.
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