One out of eight American women will develop breast cancer in the course of her life. Although cancer can be a scary word, improved medical technology is increasing people’s cancer survival rates. For many women suffering from breasts cancer, mastectomy – or the removal of an entire breast – is a highly effective treatment method. Breast cancer bras, also known as mastectomy bras, are designed to help patients maintain a feminine look and feel even after their breasts have been removed through mastectomy.
What are Breast Cancer Bras?
These bras are specially made with pockets that hold weighted breast forms. These bras can actually be fitted when you are completing your fitting for your breast prosthesis. Mastectomy surgery is actually the most common type of treatment today for those with breast cancer, so these types of bras are highly popular and are well-designed to meet various women’s unique needs when it comes to finding the best fit for their bodies.
Importance of These Bras
Selecting the right bra is paramount after going through mastectomy treatment, as it is an essential part of the physical as well as the emotional recovery process. A carefully selected breast cancer bra will help you maintain a natural profile, which can help you feel more comfortable about your form and shape. However, a good bra is also essential in supporting your chest, the remaining tissue and your post-mastectomy prosthesis.
Bra Options and Tips
Today’s leading breast cancer bras come in various styles and colors, including beige/nude, black, ivory and white, for example. Different bras also close either in the front or the back, depending on your particular preference. It is worth noting that your doctor may recommend that you not wear a mastectomy bra immediately following your surgery, as your body requires time to heal first. You will have incisions that require healing as well as scarring underneath your skin that requires recovery time in your surgery location. When your doctor determines that you are physically ready to wear a bra, a leading provider of these bras can help you select the bra that best meets your need.
Compnay offers mastectomy bras for women who want to feel and look their best following breast removal surgery. To learn more about these high-quality products, visit website.