Choices in Cosmetic Dentistry in Burke,VA

by | Mar 20, 2024 | Cosmetic Dentist

We all know that dentists keep our mouths and teeth healthy, but the best dentists can also make your smile look fantastic! If you are self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth, you should look into your options for cosmetic dentistry in Burke,VA.

Treatments and Procedures

The best dentists can offer you a wide range of treatments and procedures right in their offices. Some of the most popular choices include:

• Porcelain Veneers: These are carefully crafted to look completely natural. The veneers are installed over your existing teeth to improve their appearance. They are great if your teeth are strong and healthy but have noticeable flaws that you would like to conceal.

• Metal-Free Restorations: Crowns and bridges used to be made of gold, silver, or nickel. These materials were strong and durable, but they looked like the metals that they were! Cosmetic dentistry in Burke,VA now includes restorations made with porcelain that is colored and shaped to exactly match your existing teeth.

• Direct Bonding: Direct bonding uses resin to correct small imperfections or replace metal fillings.

At-Home Kits

You can even benefit from Cascades Dental from the comfort of your own home! After an examination, dentists will provide you with an at-home whitening kit that you can use at your convenience. You don’t have to go to the office for repeated treatments; you will get professional-quality materials that you can apply yourself. Teeth can appear dull and yellow even with proper care, so if that is the case, you will benefit from this treatment kit from your trusted dentist.

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