Everyone knows someone who swears that they only have to look at a piece of cheesecake to gain 5 pounds. To add insult to injury, that person usually seems to be married to someone who could eat the proverbial horse and never gain an ounce. When metabolisms were handed out, no two were exactly alike.
What Exactly Does “Metabolism” Mean?
Metabolism refers to the thousands of chemical reactions taking place within the cells of the body. These chemical reactions convert fuel (food) into the energy that allows us to move, think and grow. At any moment, thousands of metabolic reactions are being regulated within the body, keeping the cells working and healthy.
The Two Metabolic Processes
Catabolism and Anabolism work in harmony in every cellular action within the body. They are controlled by the nervous and hormonal systems.
Catabolism (or destructive metabolism) refers to the process which breaks down food components (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) into simpler forms which are used in the creation of energy needed for all cell activity. Waste products released from this conversion to a simpler form are removed through the kidneys, lungs, intestines and skin.
Anabolism (or constructive metabolism) refers to building and storing, supporting new cell growth, maintaining body tissues and storing energy for future use.
Calories, Metabolism and You
The body’s metabolic rate refers to how much energy (calories) is being used. Since everybody’s metabolic rate is different, there is no one-size-fits-all diet that will work for everyone. Energy is being used 24/7, but how much energy is being used at any moment varies. People are using the least amount of energy in the early morning.
Tips to Increase Your Metabolic Rate
- Exercise and weight lifting;
- Eat a good breakfast. One study showed that participants who consumed 22-55% of the total day’s calories at breakfast only gained 1.7 pounds over 4 years.
- Drink very cold water.
- Eat protein to build lean muscle mass.
Longevity, located in Oklahoma City, OK, uses Metabolic Testing to optimize health by designing programs and diet plans geared to an individual’s unique metabolism. Metabolic Testing is key to a successful weight loss program. The Metabolic Code® Professional Weight Loss Program is a sustainable, personalized program of physician-guided weight loss. Visit their website to learn how you can reach your personal weight and health goals.