Three Signs That may Show it is Time for Replacing an Existing System

by | Nov 2, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

One of the toughest decisions a home owner will have to make about their air conditioner is when it is time for a new unit. Even though a new air conditioning unit can be a big investment, so can the costs of continuing to fix an old inefficient unit. Generally, a well-installed and maintained air conditioning system can last for about 15 years. However, research indicates that an air conditioner that is more than ten years old may be functioning inefficiently and is more likely to break down unexpectedly. To avoid inconveniences and losses associated with a defective AC unit, it is important to replace an old unit early. Here are top three signs that may show it is time for replacing an existing system.

Low SEER Ratings
Air conditioning systems are rated for efficiency using a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER ratings). A SEER rating is used to determine the amount of energy used by an AC unit to produce a given cooling output. AC systems with low SEER rating are energy inefficient and costly to operate. Currently, newly manufactured air conditioning units must have a SEER rating of at least 13. A business or home owner using an AC unit with a SEER rating below 13 can cut energy costs by replacing it with a new, more efficient unit.

Frequent Expensive AC Repairs
If an air conditioner is being fixed frequently, it is important to weigh the costs of the repairs against the cost of a new unit. If the cost of the repairs will cover a large part of a new system, it will likely make more financial sense to replace it.

The AC unit Uses R-22 Freon
The federal government is phasing out the use of Freon in AC units to conserve energy nationwide. For this reason, the cost of Freon is rising exponentially. Thus, if the existing AC unit uses Freon, it is important to replace it eventually to switch to the new refrigerant (R410A).
These are just some of the key signs that may indicate it is time for replacing an existing system. For additional details about AC replacements, and how to hire a reputable AC contractor, visit Website Domain.

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