Providing Wedding Chuppahs for Traditional Jewish Marriage in Maui

by | May 17, 2016 | Events

One of the essential features of the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony is the Chuppah. In Orthodox tradition, the chuppah is the canopy under which the couple are joined. It symbolizes the home they will build together. Chuppahs are cloth canopies upheld by four poles and decorated with flowers and are erected outside that the wedding should take place under the open sky. The chuppah is a symbol of hope and promise of the future the new couple shall share throughout their lives together as man and wife.

Providers of rental event equipment can supply any wedding party with the accoutrements for any ceremony, including wedding chuppahs in Maui. The staging crew that comes out to the site for the wedding will erect the chuppah within minutes Tradition allows for the use of any materials in the framework, so these chuppahs are built with bamboo poles for framing, to add a nice Hawaiian touch to the ceremony. A selection of canopy materials, in varying colors and thickness, and floral accents are available to suit the exact taste of the couple.

Of course, in these modern times, traditions have crossed cultural lines, and the use of a chuppah for an outdoor wedding has become increasingly popular with non-Jewish couples. The very symbolism of the canopy, even absent the original religious meaning, transcends any one faith or belief. The chuppah defines the sacred space under which the couple shall pronounce their vows of fidelity and love to one another. Serving as the focal point for an outdoor wedding, a chuppah draws the attention of all the guests to the couple, of the couple to one another, and of the officiant presiding over the ceremony.

A full service wedding event rental company is prepared to transport, erect, and dismantle the chuppah within minutes. The ease with which one can be assembled makes it perfect as a temporary yet visually striking centerpiece to the ceremonial ground. And its construction out of natural materials invokes associations with the sacred in all cultures and is timeless. For wedding chuppahs in Maui, a number of event rental companies are more than happy to provide on order to complete the setting for any marriage ceremony. Click here for details about the services on offer from a leading event planner and rental company here in Maui.

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