A Benzene Exposure Lawyer in Chicago Can Gauge Your Case Potential

by | Mar 1, 2022 | Law Services

Chronic exposure to benzene or products that have benzene in it doesn’t happen to everyone, but it can seriously impact the health of those that are afflicted. The health consequences can be quite serious, but there are also potential legal remedies in some cases.

What Can Benzene Exposure Lead To?

Benzene exposure can result in many conditions, including acute myeloid leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, and multiple myeloma. Other bone marrow and blood diseases might result.

Who Is at Risk?

Anyone might theoretically be at risk, but it seems to predominantly affect certain professions where individuals have long-term exposure to various things that have benzene in them. Affected career paths can include maritime workers, tanker truck drivers, and mechanics that have lots of exposure to degreasers, oils, inks, thinners, paints, solvents, and fuel that might have had benzene in it.

What Can a Benzene Exposure Attorney Do for You?

Depending on the circumstances of your case, a toxic tort lawyer might be able to accomplish many things for you. First, using one means they can handle the legal side while you put all your attention on medical treatment and recovery. Your attorney might also get settlement funds you can use for lost wages, medical expenses, and handling pain and suffering.

Do You Need a Benzene Exposure Lawyer in Chicago?

If you think you might need a benzene exposure lawyer to represent you, then visit Benzene Lawyers to see what they can do for you.

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