Many times when people are involved in automobile accidents, they get seriously hurt and will find that they have a possible lawsuit to file. The lawsuit can usually be filed if the accident is serious enough to where the at-fault party’s insurance will not cover the extent of the injuries the injured party suffered. An auto accident attorney in Waldorf, MD helps clients who find themselves in serious auto accident situations to recover what is rightfully theirs. Here is a look at the laws regarding automobile accidents in Maryland.
The Laws About Auto Accidents in Maryland
Maryland is a state that observes the at-fault rule when it comes to automobile accidents, which means that the party causing the accident is responsible to the other party. Beyond filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company, the injured party can file a lawsuit against the other party if the injury is severe enough. However, the injured party must keep in mind that Maryland’s statute of limitations for auto accidents is three years from the date of the accident. If the lawsuit is not filed in a civil court by that time, the case will likely go unheard.
More About Maryland Auto Accidents Laws
The injured party must keep in mind a harsh rule that Maryland applies called the “contributory negligence” rule. This means that if the injured party is found to be even one percent at fault for the accident, no damages will be awarded, no matter how severe the injuries may be. This is something that the injured party wants to keep from happening, so it is imperative to hire a competent lawyer or law firm to avoid that.
A Law Firm in Maryland for Auto Accidents
Auto accident victims in Maryland want to ensure they get the best representation in a lawsuit, so they look for the best lawyers in their area. Business Name represents clients with auto accident issues in Waldorf, Maryland and the surrounding areas. If a person is in search of an auto accident attorney in Waldorf MD, this law firm is available. Check out website domain for more information.