Like most health issues, periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, is most easily treated if it is caught early. However, patients with all stages of gum disease can benefit from Periodontal Therapy. Learn more about treatment options below.
Professional Dental Cleaning
During a routine cleaning by a dental hygienist, plaque and tartar are removed from both above and below the gum line of a patient’s teeth. This procedure is usually performed once a year. However, for patients showing signs of gum disease, more frequent cleanings may be necessary. Note that cleanings are only effective at treating gum disease if it is caught while it is still developing, and more serious measures will likely be necessary if the disease has already been allowed to progress.
Scaling and Planing
Scaling and root planing are deep-cleaning procedures performed by a dentist to remove serious plaque and tartar build-up and prevent it from reoccurring. Scaling refers to the process of removing plaque, while planing describes the removal of rough spots from the tooth. Smoothing out these rough spots makes it more difficult for the bacteria that cause periodontal disease to take hold and provides a clean surface so that the patient’s gums can reattach to the teeth naturally.
Surgical Treatments
In addition to the non-surgical options listed above, there are several surgical treatments appropriate for patients who are suffering from severe gum disease. These include pocket reduction surgery, bone grafts, and soft tissue grafts.
Pocket Reduction
Pocket reduction surgery is a procedure designed to remove all tartar from beneath the gum line and restore damaged bone to limit the possibility of reinfection. During the procedure, the patient’s gums will be lifted back then replaced when it is complete, allowing the tissue to fit more snugly around the teeth.
Bone and Tissue Grafts
If a substantial amount of bone or tissue loss has occurred as a result of progressive gum disease, it can be necessary for patients to receive hard and soft tissue grafts. These procedures involve the replacement of damaged or missing tissues with fragments of bone or soft tissue as needed.
Get Help Today
Patients interested in Periodontal Therapy should not wait until their gum disease has progressed to a serious stage to seek help. Instead, contact Lewis Family Dentistry for treatment information or call to schedule an appointment today. You can also follow them on Twitter.