Most times, divorce is an emotionally as well as financially exhausting time, seldom seen as an easy process. There are many reasons why two people decide to end their marriage and go separate ways. Unfortunately, when this happens there are several complexing legal issues which must be addressed, which is why it is recommended to have a qualified Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer to assist you. They have both experience and knowledge in the many areas of divorce.
Areas of Divorce a Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer Helps with Include:
Division of Property and Assets
In some marriages, only one spouse handles the money while the other spouse is unaware of their debts or assets. Your Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer helps ensure all marital assets are disclosed properly. They can help in the collection of records and can help in the location of assets you may not be aware of.
Your divorce lawyer will fully explain to you how property is treated when it comes to divorce.
Alimony or Spousal Support
Spousal support is one of the more crucial and complex parts of the divorce. In some cases, one spouse sacrificed their education or career in order to handle domestic responsibilities or raise the couple’s children. For this reason, there may be a significant difference in the earning ability or potential between spouses. A Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer can evaluate whether spousal support may be awarded.
Also, your divorce lawyer can explain about financial concerns you may have in the future. For spouses that have been married at least ten years, they may be able to receive a percentage of their spouses Social Security or pension.
Child Custody
If you are a parent of a minor child, custody of that child needs to be decided. When it comes to child custody, there is more than one issue that needs to be determined, such as physical custody and legal custody. With physical custody, this is who the child resides with. Legal custody differs and can be given to both parents. A Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer can walk you through this delicate issue. They have a working understanding of the laws surrounding child custody.
A Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer is able to help you through the many areas of divorce, with experience and understanding needed during this time.
For more information contact The Law Offices of Jenet G. Pequeno, LLC