Choosing an Insurance Agency in Stuart, FL

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Insurance

The choice of an insurance agency in Stuart FL is as important as the insurance company, yet many people fail to realize this. Individuals often make both decisions based on price, and doing so can be a mistake. Following are some things to consider as this decision is made.

The Type of Agency

Do you want an independent agent or a direct writer? Independent agents work for their clients as opposed to an insurance carrier. They contract with several carriers and provide clients with a range of options. Direct writers, in contrast, work for one insurance carrier and only offer policies from that carrier to their clients.


Insurance agents have the opportunity to further their training, and many choose to do so. Look for letters behind the agent’s name to obtain more information about their designations, which show a higher level of competence and experience. These include CPCU, CRM, ARM, and CIC.

Gather More Information

Pull up the agency website to learn more about the company and its agents. The website should be professionally designed and easy to navigate. Furthermore, it should provide contact information on the first page, so you know how to reach the agency in the event a problem arises. Visit other sites to read reviews of the company, and check out social media sites to obtain additional information.

The Insurance Needed

Agents may offer a wide range of insurance types or specialize in only one or two. Determine what types of coverage you need to obtain and make certain the agency can be of help. If you own a business, ask if the agency offers both commercial and personal lines of insurance. Take this one step further and inquire as to whether they have experience in your industry.

Meet With the Agent

Now it is time to meet with the agent and see if you feel comfortable with him or her. This is a relationship that will likely last for a period of time, and you want someone you won’t hesitate to call when a change needs to be made or a problem arises. Don’t overlook the importance of this when choosing an agency.

When you need a new insurance agency in Stuart FL, contact OWEN Insurance Group. They will be happy to meet with you to discuss your insurance needs. Give them a call today.

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