Finding Affordable Dentures in Charleston, SC Easily

by | Dec 9, 2020 | Dental Health

Full dentures are usually made of acrylic resin, of a similar color to the gums, and mounted on the teeth thereon. It is necessary to remove them from the mouth on a daily basis for sanitation purposes. Partial dentures are essentially the same, but they are based on replenishing a few certain missing teeth. An essential difference is that people who wear partials will often wear retainers (hooks) on certain natural teeth. This is done with a biocompatible metal base and stronger retainers. Finding a dentist who can provide you with affordable dentures in Charleston, SC is a very easy task if you perform a little background work.

Let’s start with the different types of dentures that exist:

  • Removable dentures
  • Partial Dentures
  • Fixed Dentures with crowns (caps) and bridges on natural teeth
  • Dentures with crowns and fixed bridges on implants (implant-supported)
  • Supported removable dentures on implants
  • Mixed dentures (combined fixed and removable)

Fixed dentures with crowns and bridges on natural teeth require preparation (usually a reduction) of the tooth or teeth. Once there is a reduction made, there is no turning back (it is an irreversible treatment). The fixed prosthesis bridge is in decline because of the multiple advantages that come in replacing missing teeth with a prosthesis on implants. Fixed prostheses on implants are usually screwed or cemented, as this differs from the previous one in several respects: there is no need to carve (reduce) any natural tooth or root (a dental implant is the closest thing to a root that dentists know of).

Removable implant prostheses are essentially the same as above, with the difference that they can be removed for sanitation, and indicated with advantages in some cases. For many people, they can be removed from the mouth and this is a disadvantage. Looking for the right dentist to prepare affordable dentures in Charleston, SC can be a hassle if you do not know what to look for. Your dentist and their staff should always be there to help you figure out what treatment is best for you. If you have any questions or concerns about dentures or any other dental concern, you should contact Solomon Family Dentistry today.

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