For a Brow Lift Kona, residents want to make sure they have a highly-skilled facial plastic surgeon so they know their results will be excellent. A brow lift can minimize lines and wrinkles on the forehead as well as vertical lines that develop between the eyebrows. It decreases the drooping skin that can occur over the years as well. People who have this surgery done look younger because of tighter skin and the reduction in age-related lines. They often appreciate two other effects. First, they no longer look like they are frowning much of the time. Second, the sagging skin over the eyebrows can make people look tired or sad, but that no longer is the case after an eyebrow lift.
Drooping eyebrows can sometimes even be felt by the person with this problem. They can make the individual’s eyes feel tired as the skin puts extra weight along the eyebrows and below them. For a Brow Lift Kona residents seek out an experienced plastic surgeon to resolve this problem in addition to the cosmetic issues.
The recovery time after an eyebrow lift performed by a doctor such as David K. Hiranaka, M.D., D.M.D., is generally about one or two weeks. People may return to work or other activities before that unless they don’t want anyone to see the signs of the operation, such as residual bruising, swelling, and redness. As this fades, it may be covered with makeup. Plastic surgeons hide the incisions above the hairline if they can, but some people do not have hair above the forehead. In that case, the incisions will be visible to other people as they heal unless some type of head covering is worn.
It’s normal to feel some discomfort and achiness for a few days and for the forehead to feel numb for longer than two weeks. The face continues to heal after initial recovery is complete. Recovery is speedier if the patients are willing to sleep sitting up or reclining, but not lying down. If they must lie down to fall asleep, they should at least keep the head elevated with pillows. Until the initial recovery is complete, it’s best to refrain from vigorous exercise and heavy lifting.