Get Rid of Varicose Veins Without Surgery At One of the Leading Vein Clinics!

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Health

Most vein clinics use surgical processes to get rid of painful, unsightly varicose veins. Surgery has been the long standing solution for treating varicose veins but of course there are risks with any type of surgery. Those risks have kept people from dealing with their varicose veins. Thankfully you now have options to get rid of spider veins and varicose veins that are safer and require no surgery!

The Technology

Medicine has made tremendous leaps in the last decade thanks to new technology. These leaps in progress include how your veins can be treated. The newest treatment of veins is done with lasers. Recently (within the last decade) the FDA approved this treatment. Only a select few clinics have the capabilities to provide you with this treatment. With modern laser treatment you can:

* Get rid of varicose veins
* Get rid of spider veins
* Have NO scars
* Need NO stitches

Traditionally vein problems on the legs were treated by making small surgical incisions, unfortunately this left you with a scar where the vein once was. Any time the skin is cut and has to be stitched there is always a risk of infection. With FDA approved vein treatment you never have to worry about damage to your skin, scarring or infection.  It is an easy solution to a very troubling problem. You will regain your confidence again and not have to deal with discomfort.

Make Your Appointment

Call a clinic that specializes in the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins and ask if they offer this new technology to help you get rid of them. Make an appointment and ask if you are a good candidate for this treatment. It is a far safer option. The right clinic will be able to help you get rid of your varicose veins that are caused by pregnancy, aging, weight gain and other reasons. Call today for an appointment for more information. Like our facebook page.

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