Gift a Loved One with Diamond Studs

by | Sep 14, 2018 | Jewelry

Treat that special someone in your life by giving them a gift of love. What better way to express how you truly feel about a loved one than gifting them with diamonds. Diamond earrings have forever been measured as one of the most valuable yet astonishing and classic pieces of jewelry. Diamond studs are both versatile and classic which makes for a perfect gift. When it comes to the style choices of diamond earrings there are many to select from such as round, princess or Asscher to name a few. Keep in mind that each style and cut will offer a different level of brilliance and sparkle.

Importance of Level of Diamond Quality

When looking at diamond stud earrings it is important to pay close attention to the level of quality that the diamonds have. The guideline for certified diamond studs holds true to the same guidelines to certified diamond rings as well as any other certified diamond jewelry and that is the 4C’s which are color, clarity carat weight and cut. The main grade of a diamond that you do not want to skimp out on in regards to diamond earrings is the cut. A diamond cut will have the most significant impact on the sparkle and appearance. Aside from the cut, the back and set of stud earrings also play an important role with the style factor.

Advisable to Buy Certified Diamond Studs from a Reputed Jeweler

It is advisable to buy certified diamond studs from a reputed jeweler. A jewelry expert will help you understand what makes one diamond piece more expensive than the other one. Also, diamond professionals will also provide you with a grading certificate for the certified diamond studs as well as offer a detailed value appraisal.

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