Routinely visiting the nearest convenience store, you have been shelling out tons of cash for prepaid credits for a phone that does not even have internet connectivity. You probably now want to get your hands on the latest mobile device, but are concerned about all the costs involved. How will you gain access to a smartphone with service without exceeding your monthly budget?
States that Offer the Affordable Connectivity Program and Lifeline Assistance
If you live in Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, or Wisconsin, then you may be eligible for the Affordable Connectivity and Lifeline Assistance programs. These programs, when combined, may provide you with a smartphone, talk, text, and data for free. This means you can finally use a phone that can connect you to the internet to help you live a higher quality of life.
Requirements and Qualifications
Although eligibility varies by state, the minimum basic requirement to qualify is that you currently participate in a government assistance program. The other minimum requirement is that the total household income meets your state’s federal poverty guidelines. You may be eligible if you meet one of these requirements.
How and Where to Apply
Are you in disbelief that these programs exist? Don’t be. You can check eligibility and apply for free smartphones and services through Infiniti Mobile. They can answer all your questions about these programs that are available in your state.