Is a Geothermal Heat Pump in Reno, Nevada Right for You?

by | Sep 20, 2017 | Plumbers and Plumbing

When it comes to a place like Reno, a residential property will rely on an HVAC system for a fair amount of air conditioning and heating. Reno, Nevada is a place that receives extremely warm weather over the spring and summer, but also receives its fair share of cold weather during fall and winter.

This can make demands on a residential HVAC system fairly high. Fortunately, with a myriad of ways to keep a home comfortable, regardless of the outside temperature, most people with a functioning HVAC system enjoy comfortable home temperatures. However, from an energy efficiency standpoint, few systems outpace a Geothermal Heat Pump in Reno.

A Simple Operating Premise

A geothermal heat pump works on an extremely simple premise. This premise not only helps keep a home comfortable year-round, but it is able to do so without significantly increasing energy bills. To understand how this system can be so efficient, it’s important to understand the basic tenets of how it works.

Using Ground Temperatures to Warm and Cool Air

Just below the surface of the ground, sometimes as little as 6 to 8 feet, the temperature of the soil remains constant at around 55 degrees. This is the same, regardless of whether it’s in Reno, Nevada or Minneapolis, Minnesota. Because the ground temperature stays constant, geothermal systems use this constant temperature to both cool and heat air that is redistributed in a geothermal heat pump HVAC system.

How it Works

In the winter, the relatively warm ground temperatures are absorbed in a series of pipes running below the soil. This heat is then carried to the heat pump where it is compressed and made even warmer. Then this warm air is distributed through a heat pump venting system. The process is reversed for air conditioning so the home can be cool in the spring and summer.

Because the heating and cooling of the air is largely controlled by nature, your energy cost for a Geothermal Heat Pump in Reno is significantly lower than other types of HVAC systems. If you’re in the market for replacing your HVAC system at home and you want an option that is more affordable in operational costs, you may want to Contact us for more information.

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