It may not be too late for you to hire a wrongful death attorney in Detroit. Losing a loved one is devastating and initially you may not be able to think clearly. The Wrongful Death Act set clear time limits for filing a wrongful death case but you may still be within your window of time to file. Having a trusted, successful wrongful death attorney in your corner can help you to get the justice that your loved one deserves.
You Have to Ask
The only way to know if you do have a case or not is to contact an attorney that focuses on this particular area of the law. The time limits are spelled out in the Wrongful Death Act but the right attorney may be able to get special consideration on your behalf. You can get a free case evaluation and secure a prominent attorney that has experience without any out of pocket expense. All you have to do is make an appointment and let your case be reviewed. The truth is you may have a very strong case but the insurance company will never tell you that. You have to take the necessary steps and contact an attorney that can help.
Gather Your Documents
Make an appointment with a lawyer that has experience in this field and bring to your first appointment:
* Death certificate/coroner’s report
* Any criminal charges that were filed
* Any doctor’s bills, reports
* Relevant information about the deceased and your relationship to the deceased
Having the above documents with you on the day of your initial consult will help the attorney to get a better picture of what happened and whether the information can be used to file a wrongful death suit. It can be hard to talk about so having the documents on hand to help create a time line and picture of what happened can ease the difficulty of that first meeting. If you do not have all of the documents listed above, bring what you have.
You may still have some time on your side but you do have to act quickly because there are firm time frames involved with this type of case. Contact a wrongful death lawyer today that can evaluate your case. It is a quick easy process that can help you to get justice for your loved one.
This Law can help you to determine if bringing a wrongful death suit is still possible. Using a wrongful death attorney in Detroit will ensure that you are getting the right information about your case. Contact website.