Making a Joint Effort with Your Healthcare Team

by | Jul 25, 2017 | Rheumatologist

Pain is a common problem in the United States. Many Americans – particularly older citizens – suffer from conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis and other painful diseases. With joint pain being so prevalent, it’s no wonder so many depend greatly on their joint pain doctor.

Part of the Puzzle

Doctors who specialize in the treatment of mobility disorders and joint pain are in high demand. Joint pain professionals are quick to advise their patients to consult with every member of their healthcare team in seeking the treatment that will work best for them when diagnosed with a pain disorder.

Who else should be involved in the treatment process? Some examples of important members of the healthcare team include:

  • General practitioners/primary physicians. This is the doctor a patient sees the most frequently, for a variety of reasons. They will typically make the recommendation or referral to a specialist if one is required.
  • Physical therapist. If mobility issues are a problem, a physical therapist may be able to help patients regain their independence through light stretching and exercise.
  • Alternative treatment practitioner. This could be an acupuncturist, a chiropractor or even a yoga instructor. Whatever service they provide should be in line with and suitable for the overall treatment of the patient’s condition.

With a team in place, patients can see quicker improvements in their health and a slower progression of their medical conditions.

The Heart of the Team

Joint pain doctors can act not only as educated specialists for clients, but also as advocates for their care. Communicating with other professionals to keep the entire team abreast of prescription changes, noted differences in physical condition and more can keep every part of the treatment puzzle fitting together properly. However, the most important part of this equation is the patient themselves, working with and not against their team to improve their condition and secure a better life for themselves. Only with patient cooperation can noticeable and lasting positive change be seen.

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