Man Cave Design 101

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Shopping

Decorating takes a trained eye and a lot of personal touch. Whether it’s modern, clean design or over the top colorful, playful textures you love, odds are if you’re decorating your man cave, you could care less. Decorating your sports sanctuary is all about comfort. The chair you’ve been breaking in for the past ten years is finally getting to just the right level of worn in and fade; the rug that’s been saving you from having to clean the carpet has saved your bacon (literally) more times than you can count.

Comfortable Looks Good

For most, a room dedicated to all things sports, lounging or entertaining is a fun room to decorate. It’s a room where you, the husband, are allowed to put all your stuff that your wife wouldn’t otherwise let in the house. This is why it is referred to as a cave and not a room or space. It suggests that you are a wild animal living on the fringe of existence; gathering scraps of chicken wings and pizza one day out of the week while you watch sports and drink lots of beer. But a man cave doesn’t have to mean dingy, disorganized and without thoughtful design flourishes – they’re design choices – they’re just not traditional design choices. In most man caves and entertaining spaces, whatever is comfortable makes the cut.

Outfitting Your Spot With The Best

A quick search of “best man caves” will result in some jaw dropping, flat screen filled man caves that are really well composed and thought out. Again, they’re not traditional design choices you’d see on HGTV or Sunset magazine, but there is a theme and for the most part a color palette, be it just be the preferred team’s colors. If you’re looking to step up your man cave game, you might want to start with a few customized pub signs. A well thought out customized pub sign could be the first step in converting your basement into a man cave.

Things To Help Your Space

A man cave is your domain. If you want to transform a room full of stuff and a comfortable chair into a full pledged man cave, it’s best to choose a theme. Whether it is your favorite team, sport or a classy gentleman’s smoking club, pick a theme and stick with it. All your design choices should stem from this one idea. Soon enough your space will start to look more like a cave and less like a basement full of stuff your wife wouldn’t let you put in the living room.

For more information about where to customized pub signs, visit website.

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