Practical Suggestions to Get Ready for Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ

by | Dec 30, 2014 | Dental Services

Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ can range from wisdom teeth removal to dental implants to reconstructive jaw surgery. Whichever medical procedure is performed, it will take time to heal. For this healing to take place, the body should have adequate rest. Preparing for oral surgery is necessary to facilitate the recovery process. Use the following suggestions to successfully complete this job.

Even if you have a simple oral surgical procedure, it’s advisable to have someone look after you until you can manage on your own. A caregiver can be a friend, family member, or neighbor you trust. If you have small children, make arrangements for another person to watch them until you can take care for them on your own. Your own caregiver will be looking after you. If you don’t have a caregiver, you can call a local home health care agency. These businesses often employ providers and nursing assistants for reasonable rates.

Before you have Oral Surgery in Short Hills NJ, ensure that your house is clean and organized. Stock your refrigerator and freezer with soft foods such as ice cream, milkshakes, and fruit smoothies. You can make meals beforehand such as casseroles to store in your freezer for a later date. When you store them, put meal-sized portions into plastic bags for easy access. For foods such as oatmeal, place the ingredients on top of your counter. This will let you prepare them quickly and easily. Try to include foods that are healthful such as bananas, squash, and peas. Avoid eating crunchy or spicy foods that can irritate the surgery site.

Designate one or two areas of your home for resting, or “nesting.” It does not have to be in your bed or bedroom. This is the place you will spend a majority of your recovery time. Ensure that you have plenty of literature to read. Have a television to watch and a handy remote beside your area. It’s a good idea to have a pen and paper next to you so you can write down information to relate to your doctor at a later visit.

The goal of postoperative recovery is to rest and heal. Have all your daily tasks done as much as possible to save your energy for your recovery. For more information on oral surgery services, please visit the website of Westfield Oral Surgery. This practice can handle many types of oral surgery to benefit its patients.

Westfield Oral Surgery

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