Preparing for Your First Latin Mass

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Online Business

Many members of the Catholic church choose to attend only Low Mass, the version of Mass which is offered in the vernacular language of the people attending rather than in Latin, a language which is entirely unfamiliar to most. However, there are a number of reasons to attend the traditional Latin Mass, now designated the “Extraordinary Form” of the Mass by the Pope Emeritus in 2007.

It may seem intimidating, but preparing for your first traditional Latin Mass shouldn’t be an anxiety-inducing experience. Keep the following in mind when you attend Latin Mass in Detroit, and you’ll be well on your way to appreciating the beauty of this Extraordinary Form.

1. Attend a Low Mass first, especially if you are not familiar with Catholic Mass. The Low Mass is a simpler affair than the traditional Latin Mass, and it will help you to acclimate to the worshipful atmosphere and sequence of events you will encounter during a Latin Mass.

2. Mentally prepare to think above yourself. While the performance of a more understandable and casual Low Mass remains a beneficial and important act of worship, the traditional Latin Mass allows us an opportunity to change our thinking and our focus. During a Detroit Latin Mass, the priest is likely to face away from the attendees. In this way, the priest addresses God along with the congregation, and the attendants’ focus is centered on God instead of the priest.

3. The Catholic Gentleman recommends picking up a missal or an instructional book to direct you through the steps of Mass in the Extraordinary Form. You might also choose to watch videos of a Mass online—many offer commentaries and explanations of the sequence of events.

To experience the Mass in the Extraordinary Form yourself, attend a Latin Mass in Detroit at Old St. Mary’s.

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