Metalworking is a dirty job. It can be tough to keep your shop clean and fresh when you must use tramp oil and coolant. Using a tramp oil filter can help you run a cleaner shop and save money. It also makes your shop a much better place to work for employees.
Tramp oil filters allow you to recycle and reuse oil, rather than having to throw all the oil out every time you clean. The filter works with the tramp oil skimmer, which removes surface tramp oil without requiring you to recycle the entire container, allowing you to use less oil overall.
In addition to keeping your shop cleaner by regularly using the tramp oil skimmer, recycling your oil will help you save money on shop operations. You’ll buy less oil, and you’ll spend less on environmentally friendly oil disposal. You’ll immediately become a greener business because you’ll dispose of far less oil.
Talk with your filtration system dealer to find out more about adding tramp oil skimmers and filters to your shop. These are easy on the budget, allowing you to install a skimmer and filter at every machine tool sump if desired.
These systems can also be used on your coolant sumps, allowing you to get far more life from your coolant. When you can reduce both oil and coolant costs, your shop will really begin to see a big savings.
These systems offer a great way to make your shop cleaner, more efficient and more environmentally friendly. Your dealer can help you get the products and install them in no time, as these are very simple systems to install. You’ll be saving money and making your shop a better place to work before you know it. Your employees and your budget are sure to thank you.