Staying Safe During A House Demolition in Minnetonka MN

by | Nov 18, 2016 | Construction & Maintenance

When a homeowner decides they would like to have their existing home demolished to make room for a new structure, there are a few steps they will want to take to ensure people in the area are kept safe. A House Demolition in Minnetonka MN is an extensive process that could lead to injuries if precautions are not put into place. Here are some steps one can take to keep family members and those in the neighborhood safe when a house is demolished.

Alert People In The Neighborhood

It is best to discuss the time line of events in the demolition of the home well before the dates they will occur. This way, the homeowner can alert others in the neighborhood about the timing of the project so they can make preparations of their own in securing their yards and vehicles should flying debris become imminent. Alerting those surrounding the home will allow them to move important items from their property so it is not at risk of damage.

Move Family Members To An Off-Site Location

Bringing family members to a hotel or friend’s home away from the demolition site will ensure everyone’s safety when the process takes place. Before the home is to be destroyed, the homeowner can alert the demolition company of where they will be staying when work is being done. A phone number can be given so if there are questions, the service can make contact with the homeowner promptly.

Provide Temporary Fencing To Protect Others

The demolition service will most likely come prepared with barrier materials to place around the perimeter of the property during the demolition. Ask the service beforehand if temporary fencing is provided or if it will need to be rented from a fencing company. Signs indicating the work that will be done can also be posted to help keep those in the area informed and safe.

If a homeowner needs to contact a service that does residential house demolition in Minnetonka MN, they will want to find a reputable company in the area. Contact US today to get the process started in making plans for a demolition and to discuss pricing options.

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