Steps To Take To File A Storm Damage Insurance Claim

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Insurance

If you are planning to file a storm damage insurance claim in Queens, NY because your home has endured damage from a major storm such as a blizzard, hurricane, or tornado, there are some steps you should take in order to file that claim and have the greatest chance of it being met. Learn what these steps are below.

Know What Is In Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Before you file a storm damage insurance claim, you need to know exactly what is covered by your homeowners insurance policy, as well as what limits there are to that coverage in terms of monetary compensation and other conditions that need to be met. Know also whether the cash you could receive for damaged belongings is the replacement cost or the actual cash value. The latter must take into account five years of depreciation, which means that the dollar amount you could receive for that damaged item will likely be far less than what you paid for it.

File That Storm Damage Insurance Claim Right Away

Once you know what is in your policy and that your circumstances can lead to compensation, do not delay in filing that claim, particularly if your home was not the only one damaged by the storm. This is because there will be many insurance claims filed; the longer you wait to file, the longer it will take for your area and belongings to be evaluated and for you to potentially receive compensation for your damages.

Be sure to utilize technology to document all damages. Video is best, but high-quality pictures can still be enough to convince an insurance company you deserve compensation.1800Adjusters has over fifteen years of experience handling many types of insurance claims, including storm damage insurance claims, in and around Queens, NY. Learn how you can receive the most money from your insurance claims at

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