Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer in Yelm, WA to See If You Have a Case

by | Jul 12, 2016 | Personal Injury

Being injured on the job or in an accident can be pretty traumatic. However, when the insurance company for the at-fault party either refuses to pay or offers a sum far too low to cover the cost of your losses, then this can turn into something much bigger than just a traumatic experience. Facing the possibility of losing your home or vehicle can cause you anxiety. Not to mention that you may also experience a major impact on your credit score because you can’t pay your bills due to lost time at work or medical bills. When this occurs, it’s time to talk to a personal injury lawyer in Yelm, WA.

The first thing to understand about a personal injury lawyer is that they aren’t magical beings. They can’t make a case appear without proper evidence. If you come to them with what you think is a slam dunk case, but you provide no evidence of wrongdoing, the lawyer isn’t going to be able to help. Despite how these types of cases are depicted on television, it takes a strong case to actually be able to get a settlement or a verdict in your favor.

The best case scenario in any personal injury case is a settlement. The reason for this is that court cases can drag on for months to years. In the meantime, you’re still without the means to make ends meet. If you have a really solid case, it may be possible to get a loan against your potential winnings, but settling can prevent the need for this at all.

In many cases, a personal injury lawyer in Yelm, WA speaking with the insurance company will get the desired result. Most insurance companies don’t want to go to court and will capitulate when a lawyer gets involved, especially with a high-profile client.

Unfortunately, some insurance companies don’t pay up when they should. If you’re in this situation, it’s time to speak with a lawyer. You can schedule an appointment for a free consultation and discuss your case with someone who can tell you whether or not hiring a lawyer is a good idea. They will also let you know your chances of winning and get everything going for your lawsuit if they feel there’s merit in it. However, until you make that call, you won’t know whether or not you’ve got a case.

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