The Value of a Predominant Use Study in Pennsylvania

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Financial Services

Many companies receive tax exemption certificates that allow them to purchase items without paying sales tax. Unfortunately, many businesses miss valuable opportunities to save even more money. Did you know your business may qualify for a sales tax exemption on your utility bills? By completing a predominant use study in Pennsylvania, you can reduce the sales tax you pay for energy every month.

State and Local Taxes

When you complete a predominant use study in Pennsylvania, you will receive an exemption on state and local taxes you pay for the utilities you use. However, you won’t receive a full exemption from your entire bill. Instead, you will receive a proportionate exemption based on how much power your qualifying equipment uses on average. Once your study is complete, you can expect to receive your exemption immediately.

Past Taxes

Some companies think they will only receive a tax exemption starting from the point they get a predominant use study in Pennsylvania. The good news is that Pennsylvania allows you to file for a refund for taxes you previously paid over the past three years. You will either receive this money via check from the utility company or as a credit toward your future bills.

A Stress-Free Process

A predominant use study in Pennsylvania is a stress-free process. The company you hire to complete the study will help you through every step of the process. After completing the study, they will provide the documentation you need to present to the utility company to receive your tax deduction. In addition, they can help you file for a refund of past taxes paid and conduct future studies to help you keep your tax exempt status.

If you need to schedule a predominant use study in Pennsylvania, visit the Business Name website to learn more.

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