Over time, any wood floor will start to look a little worse for wear even if you do your best to take good care of it. The scuffs, stains, and scratches it accumulates can often be removed with Wood Flooring Refinishing in NYC. Don’t attempt this yourself, as homeowners won’t have access to the best equipment and have a higher chance of accidentally messing up the job. It also doesn’t save a lot of money after you take into account the expenses involved even in a do-it-yourself floor refinishing job. Instead, choose a good company that specializes in this service.
Verify What’s Included
Some companies do everything involved with the project, while others only handle the actual Wood Flooring Refinishing in NYC. This means you’ll need to move all the furniture out and may have to do some cleanup after the job is done. Those who do more of the work may charge higher prices, so be sure that you’re comparing apples to apples when you get quotes.
Ask About Timing
The overall project will usually take a few days, as it takes time for the sanding, staining and polyurethane coating application. Each layer has to dry, and although the floor may be somewhat usable in about 24 hours after this process is finished, the floor won’t be fully cured for at least a few days, so you’ll still need to take care with it. Because of the noise, dust, and smell involved, some people prefer to move out of the home for the duration of the project. Finally, you may want to reschedule if the weather is particularly wet or humid, as this could cause the wood flooring to absorb more moisture and be damaged.
Consider Less Involved Alternatives
Not every floor necessarily needs to be refinished; some can be screened or buffed instead. This process involves removing just the coating from the floor, not any of the wood, and then recoating the floor. It’s less expensive and less time consuming than the whole refinishing process and is sometimes the first step in this process.
Contact New York Wood Flooring. They can help with all your wood flooring needs, including installation and refinish.