Nobody enjoys being unable to pay their bills. Unfortunately, due to a variety of circumstances, even the most honest and diligent people can get into a financial bind. If you are having difficulty meeting your financial obligations, it might be time to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy in PA. If you do, a skilled bankruptcy attorney, like those at The Law Offices of David M. Offen, can help you through the process. Their office has helped thousands of clients to get a fresh start and stop feeling financial pressure. Here are the top four signs it might be time to file bankruptcy.
1. You Receive Constant Debt Collection Calls
Calls from debt collectors can be annoying. If you don’t answer their calls, though, debt collectors might choose to sue you. If they do, you might have to pay court costs and other legal fees. As such, if you receive notice that a debt collector is suing you, you might want to file for bankruptcy protection. Generally, the bankruptcy judge will issue an automatic stay immediately upon your filing. This prevents your creditors from pursuing legal action against you during your bankruptcy case.
2. You Worry About Losing Your House, Your Car or Other Possessions
In some bankruptcy proceedings, you are filing specifically so that you protect your residence, your vehicle and other assets while your attorney prepares a plan to repay some or all of your debts. If you are struggling to make your house payment, then, you should think about talking to a chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy firm in PA to understand your options.
3. You Struggle to Pay Bills
If you owe more in bills than you can afford to pay each month, you might gain a substantial amount of benefit from your bankruptcy filing. Remember, though, the decision of whether to file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy each provides different results. You should therefore be certain to discuss your case with an experienced attorney before you choose to file for bankruptcy protection. An attorney who has helped thousands of individuals and families can tell you exactly what you should or should not do in your specific financial situation.
4. You Have a Wage Garnishment
Wage garnishments can make it even more difficult to pay bills. If your wages are being garnished, a bankruptcy filing can put a stop to the garnishment. You will once again have your full paycheck.
If you are having difficulty paying your bills, you might want to talk to a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer. By being aware of these four signs, you will likely know when you need to pursue chapter 7 bankruptcy in PA. Visit for more information!
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