As loved ones age, they aren’t always able or willing to communicate about their daily challenges. They may not want you to worry about their health, or they may be afraid they will be forced to move out of their home. Here are a few signs that indicate your loved one needs home health care in Philadelphia.
Changes in Personal Appearance
An obvious sign that your aging loved one needs help is they stop taking care of their appearance. Their hygiene may be lacking. They may stop taking baths for fear of falling or forget to brush their teeth or put on deodorant. You may notice changes in how they dress. These are signs they could benefit from home health care services.
Messy House
You know what is typical for your parent or loved ones. If you notice significant changes in housekeeping, they may need help from an agency. They need a clean environment to eliminate health risks.
Changes in Eating Habits
People tend to eat less as they age, but their fridges and pantries should be stocked. If you notice them looking bare, your loved one may not be eating enough. Empty shelves may indicate they are forgetful or avoiding shopping. Home health care in Philadelphia can help ensure they get adequate nutrition.
Is your family looking for compassionate and professional home health care in Philadelphia? Visit the Aurora Home Care.