Useful Skills You Need to Master for Successful Bartending Gigs

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Recruiter

One of the easiest ways to earn money is through bartending gigs. All you have to do is serve drinks to clients, and you go home with a paycheck! To be successful at this, you will need to possess some skills that the job requires. If you lack any of these, it is advisable to learn and keep practicing.

Communication You will be required to listen to clients, note down their orders and relay this information to the bar patron. In order to communicate effectively, you need to be a careful listener and eloquent speaker. You must also be able to write fast.

Great Memory Regular bartending gigs will require you to have a sharp memory. You need to remember cocktail ingredients, drink options, and other information you may need to relay to clients. You will also need to remember client’s orders and serve them appropriately. Remembering regular customers is also great for positive client feedback.

Agility An agile bartender is more likely to be successful than an unfit one. When you are fit, moving from tables to the counter and back will be easy. You will not be easily worn out even if you work during busy shifts. Regular exercises increase agility.

Cash Management You could be the one taking money from clients during your bartending gig. You must be able to do quick math and return the right amounts of change to clients.

Mixology A great bartender knows about mixing drinks to come up with perfect blends. You may even develop your unique recipes over time.

Do you have all these skills and more? You need to find bartending gigs and put your skills into practice. If you are lacking in any skill, remember that practicing is the only way to get better at something. Feeling competent? Visit

and find gigs with BenchConnect.

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