Whether you’re the owner of a new or used vehicle, having Emergency Roadside Service is an option that you should consider as soon as possible. While many people would like to think that it’s simply an extra bill that you have to pay each month, having these services on standby is a true benefit. Like most things in life, cars are very unpredictable, and being prepared for the off chance that something goes wrong is important. If you’ve ever driven down a highway and noticed a car with their hazards on the side of the road, you’ll understand why having such services is a convenience and an expense that is well worth it.
Flat Tire Servicing
Even a brand new car from the dealership can have a flat tire. When driving on unkempt roads or parking in lots and streets, you run the risk of running over something that gets stuck in your tire. When a tire goes completely flat, driving it will only make matters worse. If you’re miles away from a local gas station or tire servicing company, you will need to pay for a tow truck service (which can be costly). Emergency roadside assistance on the other hand will dispatch a tow truck to your location. They can try to repair the tire on the spot, help you put your spare on, or tow you to the nearest service station.
Fuel Assistance
All too many times you hear about drivers who have run out of gas while waiting in a traffic jam. If you have an emergency roadside assistance plan, you can easily have someone bring fuel to you. Depending on the plan you’ve chosen, they will bring you a few gallons of gas free of charge so that you can make it safely to the nearest station to refill.
These are just a few of the common services provided by Emergency Roadside Service such as Arrow Wrecker Service Inc. As you can see, having a new car does not prevent you from needing to utilize their services as sometimes life just happens. Rather than wait for the unfortunate to happen, you should consider investing in a plan that will protect your vehicle 24/7.