One of the best ways to make your rooms pop is to use wallpapers. You don’t have to be a design genius with wallpaper to pick something that suits your home and appeals to your personal style. Handy ideas don’t hurt though and will only help you get a better handle on what to get for your own rooms. So take a look at some of these wallpaper ideas from For Dummies to set off your own:
Explore Your Options
Most people think of wallpaper as simply solid colors. If that’s you, then it’s time you considered other styles and textures! There’s a whole wealth of looks you can explore with just patterned wallpapers. Or even ones with hand painted designs. You can even shop online for wonderfully handcrafted wallpapers in Honolulu HI. Wallpaper also comes in different materials, including standard, vinyl-coated, foil, mylar, grasscloth, or even hemp.
Live with a Sample
Some people can take one look at a sample and visualize exactly how it looks on their walls. If you have a hard time visualizing your rooms though, it might better if you get a bigger sample and tape it over your wall for a week or two. This will give you enough time to get a feel of how the wallpaper changes your rooms, of what it adds to that space.
Have a Goal
Know what do you want to do with that space. Go with bold patterns to make it pop or chic patterns for a modern vibe. Whatever you decide for that room or your walls will determine the kind of style or texture you should go for.
Know the Basics
It can be overwhelming to realize that you’ve got so many choices out there. So keep these basics in mind when you shop:
– Vertical stripes or patterns add to the height of a room. So you can use it in small rooms to create the illusion of taller walls. Horizontal stripes work to create a roomy space.
– Larger patterns are best reserved for larger rooms. Small rooms tend to be overpowered by large patterns, making them seem even more cramped and busy.
– Small prints are ideal for small rooms. The similar dimensions are sized just right for the room.
– Dark colors tend to reduce the size of a room while light colors make it seem larger.
So don’t let the opportunity to make the most out of your home—and walls—pass you by. With the right wallpaper, loving your home just got easier. Join us here!