4 Things That Make Dental Implants an Excellent Solution to Missing Teeth

by | Aug 8, 2018 | Dental Health

Implants are an excellent solution to missing teeth. If you’re thinking about getting one or two, then read on to find out more about what you’ll be getting into if you say yes to this dental procedure.

High success rate
The high success rate of the procedure suggests one thing: that it works. If you’ve already tried bridges and dentures and none of these options seem to work for you, then ask your dentist in Southampton about dental implants. Keep in mind, though, that the success rate will depend on your dental health as well as on the skill and experience of your dentist so you’ll want to pick a good one.

Looks and feels natural
One of the best things about implants is that they don’t feel or look fake in any way, the Huffington Post says. That’s a huge check on the plus column if you’re weighing the pros and cons of getting the procedure. If you’ve got missing teeth and you’re tired of being self-conscious about them, then asking your dentist in Southampton about dental implants is a good way to get that conversation started.

Makes it easy to eat
Unlike aligners or braces, implants allow you to enjoy eating without worrying about anything. The implants feel like your real teeth so you can eat, unimpeded by fears or concerns that your dentures may pop out or that it can stain your Invisalign trays and more.

Protects your teeth
Implants are a better option over bridges. If you understand the way bridges work, then you know that dentists will need to cut off parts of the adjacent healthy tooth to ensure good fit and balance as well as stability for the bridge. Over time, though, the adjacent teeth weaken and deteriorate. If you want to protect your teeth now and in the future, then go for implants.

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