If you pay utility bills, you are more than a little aware of the role a water meter plays. In newly built communities, it is often possible to be there to catch an actual water meter installation by experts. For many children, and even adults, this can be an interesting event. It is one way to learn about the major types of water meters.
Water Meter Installation – What Type Do you Have?
Not all water meters are created equally. Depending upon the age of your home or building complex and the owner of the manufactured housing in which you live, the type of water meter installation will vary. You may have one of two types of basic water meters: the typical and the smart meter.
A Typical Water Meter
The average water meter is commonly found in most homes and businesses across the United States. It is a basic instrument. Its purpose is to record how much water the housing unity uses. The information is then gathered by the meter reader who visits the home. He records the information on his device and sends it to the office.
The billing office uses the information recorded by the meter to prepare your bill. It will reflect the amount of water you have used and charge you for that amount. In some cases, where the meter is not checked that month or during the billing period, the bill will be an estimate. This is based on previous usage.
If the water meter installation process involves the placement of a typical water meter, the above information is all you will get. It will not indicate whether there are any issues with the water delivery system. It simply tells you the total amount of water that flows through your pipes and into your home. It is incapable of detecting leaks. It cannot tell you how much water is being used for various functions in the home. As a result, while an effective delivery system, a water meter installation of this type is not an effective means of helping consumers discover and curtail excessive water consumption.
Smart Meters
Smart meter installation is expensive but is an excellent tool in determining specific water consumption and usage. Such meters are capable of determining more than the total amount of water usage. They:
* Collect data with greater frequency
* Send it directly to the distributors or suppliers of the water meter
* Provide sufficient data to allow a complete analysis of usage patterns including frequency
* Can help to pinpoint leaks and other issues within the water delivery system
Such meters can save consumers and installers money by reducing manpower for the company and informing users of their specific water consumption, as well as any potential water delivery system issues. Overall, while many manufactured housing companies may be slow with smart water meter installation, it is something worth considering along with other forms of automated meter readings.
Since 1992, ABT Water Management has been engaged in the varied aspects of water-related technologies, including Water Meter Installation. Our focus on the domestic US market of non-municipal class utilities allows us to come up with the best solutions to meet your needs.