There are plenty of great cigar brands around in the world but few can match with the allure and the standard of the Acid Blondie Cigar. It has got a flavor that is unmatched and the cigar is known very well for its small size and outstanding flavors. One of the first things that you will notice when you look at the Acid Blondie cigar is the size and the different psychedelic Acid colors that are on the cigar. The smell of the cigar is absolutely sensational and it will take you back to the 1980s when punk rock music and smoking clove cigarettes in dance clubs was all the rage.
After you have overcome the sudden blast into the past, and you light up the Acid Blondie cigar you will notice a distinct sweet buttery caramel flavor from the flavored tobacco on your tongue. It will leave you pleasantly surprised and definitely wanting more, and you will be surprised by the amount of smoke that this cigar emits. One puff is enough to produce tons of voluminous aromatic smoke, so that means that you don’t have to keep dragging on the cigar in order to get your hit.
The taste on your tongue will be extremely sweet and you will definitely taste some sugary sweetness on your tongue, which is a specialty of this Acid Blondie. The subtle creamy flavor and the overall sweetness of the cigar make it a particular favorite for a lot of people and once that first drag hits you will understand why that is the case. However, like the majority of cigars that are flavored once the last half comes around the cigar starts to taste a bit strange.
The flavors start to infuse and become clouded along with the tar and ashy flavor of the burnt tobacco. This will not be an issue with any other non-flavored cigar, since they blend and burn together quite smoothly, but it is a feature of almost every other flavored cigar. However, most people prefer the combination of artificial flavor and tar, whilst most people opt against it. Overall if you look at the Acid Blondie cigar, you would have to tip your hat to it, since it is a mighty fine cigar and one that provides the best taste you could ever wish for. Many women smoke the Acid Blondie and you can definitely give your woman an Acid Blondie if she wants to try smoking a cigar for the very first time.
There are lots of great cigars out in the market but the Acid Blondie, to this day remains one of the all time favorites when it comes to flavored cigars.