Advantages and Disadvantages of Lead Flashings on Residential Homes

by | Jun 1, 2020 | Lead Products

As with any product, there are advantages and disadvantages of using lead flashing on roofs installed on homes. Stopping to consider the advantages and disadvantages can help you make an informed decision if custom lead flashings are right for your home.

Flashings made from lead are incredibly durable. They will not easily break. This helps to ensure that your roof stays on regardless of how hard the wind blows. These flashings also expand, and contract based on temperature helping to ensure that your roof does not pull away from the rest of your home on the hottest summer days or in the middle of the coldest winter ones.

Furthermore, flashings made of lead can be molded into various shapes. Therefore, they can be used on any style of roof. While they can easily be molded, they will hold their shape so that they stay securely in place.

Lead will not burn. Therefore, they can withstand a direct lightning strike and still be in place. Additionally, if your home catches on fire, you may have a few extra precious seconds to get you and your family out of harm’s way.

Some roofers are hesitant to use lead because of its weight. The weight is one of the most significant advantages of these flashings because they can withstand punishment and keep working. If your roofer refuses to use them, then it may be time to look for a new roofer.

Since you will not need to replace them in many cases while you own the home, the cost of flashings made of lead is a good investment.

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