Advantages to a Multi-Phase Power Source

by | Dec 21, 2021 | Electonics

A multi-phase power source provides several advantages over a single-phase one, including improved thermal performance at high loads and improved responsiveness to load transients. Here is a closer look at a few of the advantages of a multi-phase power source over a single-phase one.

Improved Thermal Performance

The multi-phase power source splits the power between multiple inductors and multiple power FETs, resulting in a lower power consumption per stage. This lets each stage run more effectively, decreasing component and board temperatures and offering the designer a larger variety of components.

The multi-phase controller’s active phase count may be varied to optimize efficiency at various load points. The controller can disable phases to minimize gate-drive power consumption and switching loss as the load’s current requirement falls.

The multi-phase regulator can operate with a single-phase with the lighter loads, even switching to discontinuous-conduction mode if needed. When the load grows, and conduction losses in the inductors become more significant, the controller can activate more phases.

Better Transient Response

The multi-phase power source can employ phase shedding during any transient events, allowing it to overlap phases during a load step or completely shut down all phases during a load release. When many phases operate concurrently, their inductors operate in parallel.

The multi-phase regulator can charge the output capacitors more rapidly with a lower equivalent inductance, hence decreasing undershoot. When all phases are switched off, each inductor retains less excess charge that may be transferred to the output caps, decreasing overshoot. For more information, please visit Amp-Line Corp.

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