Benefits of Companion Services for Seniors

by | Oct 4, 2019 | Online Business

If you are considering getting involved with a senior companion program for yourself or a loved one, there are some big benefits you might want to know about. Check out these great reasons to sign up:

Peace of Mind

Being alone brings many challenges for seniors. These can be physical limitations brought on by aging or illness or the worry that one won’t be able to accomplish everyday tasks on their own. Bringing a companion into the home can help to offset these fears and challenges.

Better Quality of Life

Did you know that companionship can improve your life? It can, especially when you are an aging adult. Research has shown that seniors who live in isolation are more likely to have a lower quality of life and to die sooner. This can be prevented by introducing a professional companion into your senior’s everyday routine.

Lower Risk of Multiple Health Conditions

Many health concerns and risks can be prevented or reduced by introducing a companion into your senior loved one’s life. These include heart disease, dementia, anxiety, depression, and more. The risk of injuries from slip and fall scenarios is also dramatically reduced when a companion is nearby, as is the risk of infection from improper sanitation and self-care. Even personal safety and security are improved when they have a companion by their side to supervise them. A second pair of eyes can assist with checking for potential problems in a way that family members sometimes cannot.

If you want yourself or your senior loved one to be safer, happier and healthier, consider bringing a professional companion into your home. The burden of care will be relieved and the benefits of care will still be yours to enjoy!

For more information about a Besthesda, MD senior companion program that can help, contact the experts at Capital City Nurses today at 866-807-7307!

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