DIY Tips to Help You during Fire Damage Clean Up In Wichita

by | Oct 17, 2014 | Business Services

A fire accident is probably the most devastating disaster that can happen to property owners. This is due to the damage caused to property and the clean up involved after the fire. The cleanup process is not a simple task and requires one to take conscious steps to salvage property. While the process of fire damage clean up in Wichita may require special equipment, you may not have the equipment and buying new ones may prove an expensive affair. The following DIY tips will help you cleanup up fire damage in your property.

Cleaning your walls using a mild soap

After a fire accident, smoke and soot may stick on your furniture, floors and walls among other surfaces. Use a detergent, mild soap or a mixture of 4 to 6 tablespoons of tri-sodium phosphate and a cup of clean bleach on every gallon of warm water to clean the soot. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning to avoid damage on your skin.

It is advisable that you:

1. Clean the surfaces from the floor upwards to prevent streaking.

2. Immediately rinse the walls with warm water.

3. Avoid repainting the ceiling or wall until it is dries out completely.

Wipe all surfaces that were wet with a mixture of one cup of household liquid bleach and a gallon of warm water. This will help prevent the growth of mildew and mold. It is wise that you test the solution first on a small area of the surface and allow it to dry completely before using it to clean the entire surface.

Wash your textiles with a solution of vanilla

Use a solution of your laundry detergent and a tablespoon of pure vanilla extract to clean the soot and minimize or eliminate the smoke odor in your clothes. Wash materials made of natural or synthetic fiber using cleaning products that contain tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) to help reduce the odor in them. It is important you first read and understand the usage manual of such products as Tri-Sodium Phosphate is caustic and can damage your fabrics if used in the wrong way.

If you find cleaning some surfaces is too difficult or beyond you ability, consider hiring a specialists from Advance Catastrophe Technologies Inc for fire damage clean up in Wichita. For more information, visit the website.

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