One way to enhance the marketing capability of your business is to create a professional website. There are many ways this can be done – some quite expensive and others much less expensive. A DIY website builder can help you minimize the sometimes exorbitant costs of professional website development, while still including a range of powerful features to give you an effective and attractive web presence.
Although you have many options when it comes to a DIY website builder, there are some factors to keep in mind when evaluation the various platforms available to create your new marketing platform.
User Friendly
One of the most useful attributes of a do-it-yourself website builder is user-friendliness. The idea of creating your own site is supposed include simplicity today, especially considering how far technology has advanced. Ideally your website builder should allow you to either drag and drop various widgets or at the least offer flexible and easy-to-use tools to quickly build the structure and design of your web pages.
Social Media Integration
Today, social media is highly prominent in aspects of business marketing. It is important that your DIY website builder allows easy integration with the various social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter for starters.
Mobile Friendly
A website that is not mobile friendly is losing visibility to a wide range of possible visitors. A website builder needs to build sites that are friendly to mobile device users. Millions of people visit websites on mobile devices. Mobile optimization allows visitors to view a version of your website that is easy to read and provides an accurate display of what you want them to see.
Custom Design Capabilities
The ability to customize a website with features and themes that are tailored specifically to your preferences is important. The right DIY website builder can offer this capability, enabling you to develop a truly unique and powerful website.
SSL Certificate Integration
If you are engaged in eCommerce or the selling of services, having an SSL certificate for your website is important. It notifies visitors that your site is safe and reliable. Even without eCommerce or the selling of services, a website with an SSL certificate enhances security of information transfers.