Four Things You Need to Start an Indoor Boat Storage Business in Spokane

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Construction & Maintenance

There are plenty of budding Spokane entrepreneurs wanting to get involved in the boat industry, but they aren’t sure exactly what to do. One suggestion is to start an indoor boat storage company. Spokane is home to a lot of boaters and they all need to store their boats. Here are some things you’ll need to start a business for boat storage in Spokane, WA.

Permits and Licensing

Before you start your business, you need to check with the city to obtain the proper permits and licenses. You’ll be required to obtain tax licenses and insurance as well.

A Boat Storage Facility

This is the tricky part. You can’t start a business for boat storage in Spokane, WA, without a place to store the boats. You’ll need land and a great company to build your boat storage facility unless you’re lucky enough to come across one that is for sale or lease.

Marina ForkliftFour Things You Need to Start an Indoor Boat Storage Business in Spokane

You have to be able to move the boats around. You’ll need a special forklift called a marina forklift. You’ll also need qualified staff to use it.


You can’t make money without customers. You’ll need to advertise your new business. However, once word gets out in a boating town like Spokane, you’ll likely have more customers than you can handle.

If you’re looking for the best contractors around to build your indoor boat storage facility, look no further than Town and Country Builders, Inc. for your needs. They’ve been building projects for over 30 years in the area.

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