Guidelines for commercial roof inspections

by | Jul 18, 2016 | Roofing

It is possible to extend the life of a commercial roof and reduce the possibility of water ingress into the building through proper maintenance procedures. The surface of a large commercial roof tends not to wear evenly due to a host of environmental issues; this is true even on the same roof. It is highly recommended that commercial roof inspection in St. Louis be carried out in the spring, directly after the winter season and again in the autumn, just before the onset of another winter. These two inspections are usual; however, in the event of a damaging hail storm or high winds it is a good idea to perform an interim inspection.

Why do commercial roofs fail?

There are numerous reasons why a commercial roof will fail; the most obvious is poor workmanship during the construction phase along with:

*   Design faults

  Neglect and lack of maintenance

*   Excessive foot traffic

Commercial roofing systems are made up from the membrane, flashing, decking, insulation, traffic paths and penetrations through the surface for air conditioning, antennas etc.

Set up a commercial roof inspection plan:

Before a plan for commercial roof inspection in St. Louis can be established it is necessary to gather pertinent information. The responsible agency should open a file for the particular roof, the file should contain such information as when the roof was installed, the last date of repairs and what the repairs were, are there any current problems such as leaks and is a maintenance plan in place?

Interior and exterior inspection:

The interior inspection is purely visual, the inspector will look for water stained ceiling tiles, any evidence of leakage around windows, evidence of rust above the tiles as well as evidence of mold.

The exterior inspection will include standing water, discoloration, loose flashing, rust, missing drain cover domes, loose granules or excessive granules in the drains as well as cracks, blisters and any holes.

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